Rebecca Flores is constantly experiencing beautiful Inner glow-ups through manifestation and self-development practices that ultimately improve her outer life as well. Creativity is at her core, driving both her personal pursuits and her professional endeavors.

With a passion for continuous growth, Rebecca's journey began with academic success. She proudly earned her BS in Media Communications from the Texas State University School of Journalism and Mass Communications in 2018, a whole year ahead of schedule. Not only did she achieve that milestone early, but she also graduated Summa Cum Laude and ranked among the top 10% of her class. This dedication to excellence laid the foundation for her path ahead.

Rebecca's professional journey started in the world of digital journalism, where she spent over three enriching years as part of the ABC affiliate station in Austin, Texas. This experience taught her the power of storytelling in the digital age and allowed her to connect with audiences on a profound level.

As life unfolded, so did Rebecca's passions. She transitioned into the realm of digital marketing, embarking on a new adventure at a highly esteemed digital agency. Here, she works directly with prominent tech and travel companies that are undoubtedly known and loved. Her strategic insights and creative vision contribute to crafting impactful campaigns that resonate across the digital landscape.

One of the cornerstones of Rebecca's philosophy is the power of manifestation. Throughout her life, she has harnessed this power to bring numerous aspirations to fruition. As a steadfast Capricorn, she's fueled by an unwavering passion for self-development and transformation, both internally and externally. Guided by practices such as meditation, manifestation, and aligned action, she is committed to the constant evolution of her life and the lives of those she touches.

In the world of books and planners that Rebecca curates, she aims to provide individuals with tools to manifest their dreams and unlock their fullest potential. Readers are invited to join her in living In the highest version their timelines. Together, they can create a life radiating good energy that's noticeable.